May 14 - August 16, 2017

In the group exhibition in the art space hase29 and the Marienkirche Osnabrück, Oliver Grajewski (Berlin), Anna Lange (Hertogenbosch / NL), Sigrid Sandmann (Hamburg) Elisabeth (Lis) Schröder (Münster) and Susanne Tunn (Brandenburg) show signs of reorientation through their work open and investigate questions of cultural change as a result of the Reformation. While Susanne Tunn conceived an artistic intervention for the Marienkirche, the exhibited works in the art space hase29 share language as a connecting medium. Using script, characters and narrative texts, the artists combine the historical with the present, Old Testament and pop culture in different ways.

Participating artists

Oliver Grajewski
Anna Long
Sigrid Sandman
Elizabeth Schroeder
Susan Tunn


City of Osnabrück | Hanns- Lilje Foundation | Evangelical Church of Hanover | Osnabrück Club Foundation | Herrenteichslaischaft | Foundation Künstlerdorf Schöppingen | Landschaftsverband Osnabrücker Land eV | Community Foundation Osnabrück | St. Marien Foundation | Company Paetzke | Levien-Druck Company | Citypost company