A design competition on the subject Renewable energies
Are you an artist, graphic designer, photographer or studying? Then take part in the competition of the Solar Energy Association Osnabrück eV
We are looking for a motif that positively appeals to and moves people. the Solar Energy Association Osnabrück eV would like to start a campaign with a new expressive cover photo in the next 12 months to promote more renewable energies.
The application deadline is April 15.04.2022, XNUMX.
The drafts are available in digital form in the application portal of the art space hase29 under the link hase29/open call submit.
The Prize money of €1.000 is awarded for a selected motif that will be used in a variety of ways in the coming months to raise public awareness.
Your digital designs on the topic Renewable energies are reviewed by an expert jury. Jury members: Dr. Mechthild Achelwilm, art historian and curator for contemporary art at the Museumsquartier in Osnabrück, Elisabeth Lumme, director of the art space hase29, Frank Schnieder, cultural officer of the Solarenergieverein Osnabrück e. V., Martina Jandeck, chairwoman of the Solar Energy Association Osnabrück eV, Hiltrud Schäfer, artist and managing director of the Friends of the Art Gallery Dominikanerkirche
Exhibition with a selection of the submitted designs
The award-winning picture and up to 20 selected motifs will be exhibited in an exhibition in the Natural History Museum on Schölerberg Osnabrück in the form of DIN AO posters. Estimated exhibition period: 7.5. until about the end of September 2022. The award ceremony will take place during the opening of the exhibition. The costs for printing and presentation are borne by the Osnabrück Solar Energy Association. Unfortunately, travel expenses for exhibition participants cannot be reimbursed.

The design competition is an initiative of Solar Energy Association Osnabrück eV in cooperation with the art space hase29 – Society for Contemporary Art Osnabrück eV