Lab Europe August 17 – 27.08.2023, XNUMX
“Rethinking Dialogues – Rethink dialogues"
Exhibition opening on Saturday, August 26.08.2023, 18, from XNUMX p.m. as part of the Osnabrück Culture Night
Exhibition ends: February 02.09.2023th, XNUMX

Under the title "Rethinking Dialogues", young international artists are experimenting with new forms of communication, dialogue and negotiation practices in the "Laboratory for Art and Media". As part of the Peace Year, the city of Osnabrück invited graduates from European art schools and universities with artistic practice between the ages of 18 and 25. They will transform their perspectives and ideas in artistic form as part of a project week from August 17th to 26.08.2023th, 29 in the art space hase26.08.2023. They will present their works to the public as part of the Osnabrück Culture Night on Saturday, August 18, XNUMX, from XNUMX p.m. Admission is free!
The exhibition can be visited for another week in the art space hase29 until September 02.09.2023nd, XNUMX during opening hours.
Further information :
Participants 2023:
- Alice Petrosino / Italy (laboratory art)
- Andrei Manea / Bucharest/ Romania (laboratory art)
- Anika Schröck / Germany (laboratory art)
- Eglė Marcinkevičiūtė / Lithuania (laboratory art)
- Francisca Mazeda / Portugal (media laboratory)
- Hannes Bent Meyer / Germany (laboratory art)
- Ifeoluwa Omolola Adesina Lithuania (Laboratory Media)
- Jacks Richtering / Germany (laboratory art)
- Jan Kuśmirski / Poland(Art Laboratory)
- Kima Petrosyan / Armies (Labor Media)
- Art duo Ucci Ucci / Ialien (laboratory art)
- Marcel Matys, Dublin / Ireland (laboratory art)
- Mara-Iona Zota / Germany (laboratory art)
- Zusana Zietek / Poland (laboratory art)
Photos: Angela von Brill
Participating artists LABOR EUROPA 2018
in detail
Participants Lab Europe 2018 with
Luca Cadeddu
Helene Bueker
Roman Gojayev
Natalia Olmedo
Tariq Alsaadi
Azim Becker
Christiane Oelrich
Marcos Karouzi
Stiris Tsiganos
Veronica Simmering
Leonie Hafen
Always helpful process assistant Olga Schmidt
Ionian Bisai
Photo: Angela von Brill

Helene Bueker
"Newsfaker", sound installation
The boundaries between truth and untruth, reality and fiction, fact and fake are becoming more and more opaque. Journalism is exposed to clear criticism here. He is suspected of failing in his objectivity and of reproducing information selectively and in a filtered manner.

Art Performance, Video Installation, 2018, Osnabrück ©?
Natalia Merlo Olmedo
"Unsure" art performance

Marcos Karpouzi
"A Cry For Safety", painting

Tariq Alsaadi
"Why not?" T-shirt design

2018, Osnabrück ©?
Azim Becker
“See You, Watching You!” Video installation

Performative Guided Tour ”video installation Lab Art
"Safety first" ©?
Sotiris Tsiganos / Ionian Bisai
“Garden Walk - A Performative Guided Tour” video installation Lab Art “Safety first”
A group of young students invited by the artists searches for aspects of diversity, security and threats on a special guided tour through the Osnabrück Botanical Garden.
In an artificial tropical rainforest, the
is read as a living archive, the young participants get to know the stories of plants about resettlement, symbiosis and self-protection and look for connections between garden and everyday life through observation, discussion and imagination.

Osnabrück ©?
Leonie Hafen | Veronika Simmering

Gian Luca Cadeddu
“Cut” photo collages

wonderful ”performance, 2018,
Osnabrück ©?
Roman Gojayev
"Love hurts wonderfully"
Economical performance
The barrier between the artist and the performers suggests barriers of love that real lovers must overcome. There are many posts on the topic of love in more than eleven languages, written in different centuries and places. All suggest that love is of existential importance always and everywhere.
During the exhibition, visitors can sit on the chairs, express themselves and write their feelings and memories on the blank paper.
August 16 - September 8, 2018

Christine Oelrich

Valentina Lachetta, Erika Branka, Piera Raineri, Gloria Scalco, Massimiliano Arosio & Eugenia Tsori
"Error 404: EU Not Found", Digital Media & Games Laboratory
Piera Raineri, Erika Branca and Eugenia Tsori
"How much do you know about Europe?", Digital Media & Games Laboratory
»Eurovatar« A project by Massimiliano Arosio, Valentina Lachetta & Gloria Scalco I Laboratory for Digital Media & Games
One of the main goals of the European Union was to achieve a real alliance that not only pursues economic goals but also extends to ideas and convictions - with the goal of a supranational state. In spite of all of this, cultural differences should be preserved, because Europe has numerous cultures
We wanted to create a “flip book”, so to speak, with the help of which one can mix cultures, gender identities and looks with one's own creativity.
Massimiliano Arosio
“Fading Message”, Digital Media & Games Laboratory