Lab Europe August 17 – 27.08.2023, XNUMX

“Rethinking Dialogues – Rethink dialogues"

Exhibition opening on Saturday, August 26.08.2023, 18, from XNUMX p.m. as part of the Osnabrück Culture Night
Exhibition ends: February 02.09.2023th, XNUMX


Under the title "Rethinking Dialogues", young international artists are experimenting with new forms of communication, dialogue and negotiation practices in the "Laboratory for Art and Media". As part of the Peace Year, the city of Osnabrück invited graduates from European art schools and universities with artistic practice between the ages of 18 and 25. They will transform their perspectives and ideas in artistic form as part of a project week from August 17th to 26.08.2023th, 29 in the art space hase26.08.2023. They will present their works to the public as part of the Osnabrück Culture Night on Saturday, August 18, XNUMX, from XNUMX p.m. Admission is free!

The exhibition can be visited for another week in the art space hase29 until September 02.09.2023nd, XNUMX during opening hours.

Further information :

Participants 2023:

  1. Alice Petrosino / Italy (laboratory art)
  2. Andrei Manea / Bucharest/ Romania (laboratory art)
  3. Anika Schröck / Germany (laboratory art)
  4. Eglė Marcinkevičiūtė / Lithuania (laboratory art)
  5. Francisca Mazeda / Portugal (media laboratory)
  6. Hannes Bent Meyer / Germany (laboratory art)
  7. Ifeoluwa Omolola Adesina Lithuania (Laboratory Media)
  8. Jacks Richtering / Germany (laboratory art)
  9. Jan Kuśmirski / Poland(Art Laboratory)
  10. Kima Petrosyan / Armies (Labor Media)
  11. Art duo Ucci Ucci / Ialien (laboratory art)
  12. Marcel Matys, Dublin / Ireland (laboratory art)
  13. Mara-Iona Zota / Germany (laboratory art)
  14. Zusana Zietek / Poland (laboratory art)


Photos: Angela von Brill


Participating artists LABOR EUROPA 2018

in detail

Participants Lab Europe 2018 with

Luca Cadeddu
Helene Bueker
Roman Gojayev
Natalia Olmedo
Tariq Alsaadi
Azim Becker
Christiane Oelrich
Marcos Karouzi
Stiris Tsiganos
Veronica Simmering
Leonie Hafen
Always helpful process assistant Olga Schmidt
Ionian Bisai

Photo: Angela von Brill


Helene Bueker

"Newsfaker", sound installation

The sound installation “NEWSFAKER” on the toilets in the art space hase29 focuses on the act of media censorship. If you go to this place, you will find a newspaper rack containing a copy of the New York Times and listen to a voice reciting a text like a news anchor. However, this only consists of fragments that the artist systematically filtered out of the New York Times. Well-known buzzwords that are known from the media context, but which do not seem to make any sense.
The boundaries between truth and untruth, reality and fiction, fact and fake are becoming more and more opaque. Journalism is exposed to clear criticism here. He is suspected of failing in his objectivity and of reproducing information selectively and in a filtered manner.
Natalia Merlo Olmedo, "Unsure"
Art Performance, Video Installation, 2018, Osnabrück ©?

Natalia Merlo Olmedo

"Unsure" art performance

In the present we seem safe. But there are still some holes, small but very painful, that can leave psychological footprints in our heads. We are waiting to be saved, but we are vulnerable in a world where safety is not a priority. We try to cover this up with justice. But people are already “soaked”, scared and tired. Confidence in security collapses and people ask, “Are we safe?
Marcos Karpouzi "A Cry For Safety", painting, 2018 Osnabrück ©?

Marcos Karpouzi

"A Cry For Safety", painting

Through my painting I wanted to express the mental, emotional and physical abuse that transgender people go through in their everyday life. We become distracted by our personal beliefs, stereotypes, and interests and therefore fail to see the pain others are going through. We are all different, but we should all be equal.
Tariq Alsaadi "Why not?", T-shirt Design, 2018, Osnabrück ©?

Tariq Alsaadi

"Why not?" T-shirt design

Tariq Alsaadi draws his bizarre types directly on T-shirts. Lush, hairy female legs and blond curly beards confuse the gender-specific image of society with humor. Do people, especially men, feel threatened in their safety if they look or look different? Why can't men wear skirts without fear of discrimination? What is masculinity anyway? Who made the rules? Why do we have to adapt to society in order to feel safe?
Azim Becker "See You, Watching You!" Video installation,
2018, Osnabrück ©?

Azim Becker

“See You, Watching You!” Video installation

The media installation simulates a control system in a surprising way. Based on the assumption that there are no boundaries between observation, surveillance and voyeurism, the scenes on the screens only become visible when looking through camera optics. Who knows whether the information collected will only be hidden behind the white screens or not be stored anonymously somewhere?
Sotiris Tsiganos / Ionian Bisai “Garden Walk - A
Performative Guided Tour ”video installation Lab Art
"Safety first" ©?

Sotiris Tsiganos / Ionian Bisai

“Garden Walk - A Performative Guided Tour” video installation Lab Art “Safety first”

Is a garden a safe place?
A group of young students invited by the artists searches for aspects of diversity, security and threats on a special guided tour through the Osnabrück Botanical Garden.
In an artificial tropical rainforest, the
is read as a living archive, the young participants get to know the stories of plants about resettlement, symbiosis and self-protection and look for connections between garden and everyday life through observation, discussion and imagination.
Leonie Hafen | Veronika Simmering "", 2018,
Osnabrück ©?

Leonie Hafen | Veronika Simmering

"" is a mixed media project in which performance, photography and film are integrated. Veronika Simmering and Leonie Hafen from the Kunstakademie Münster take up the topic of Safety First in a humorous way. As employees of a fictional occupation of the Spusis, the two go out especially in the evening and mark things in public space that are out of order and give them a dramatic effect.
Gian Luca Cadeddu “Cut” photo collages, 2018, Osnabrück

Gian Luca Cadeddu

“Cut” photo collages

The work series "Cut" deals with the interpretation of the concept of limit. The minimal interventions in three Google Earth images from the Osnabrück area make it clear how easily borderline situations arise and how inconspicuous they can appear. The fragmentation of the landscape by a white line symbolizes the borders that we draw in a multicultural and densely populated Europe not only on the outermost edge, but also on the inside. Connecting seems more important today than ever before.
Roman Gojayev, “Love hurts
wonderful ”performance, 2018,
Osnabrück ©?

Roman Gojayev

"Love hurts wonderfully"
Economical performance

The performance is inspired by a 10th century poem by the first female poet in Asian history, Rābi'a Balkhi: "If you want to love to the end, you have to eat poison but call it honey". The artist Roman Gojayev is surrounded by shards of broken bottles. These contained quotes from poets who were betrayed by love.
The barrier between the artist and the performers suggests barriers of love that real lovers must overcome. There are many posts on the topic of love in more than eleven languages, written in different centuries and places. All suggest that love is of existential importance always and everywhere.
During the exhibition, visitors can sit on the chairs, express themselves and write their feelings and memories on the blank paper.


August 16 - September 8, 2018

Christine Oelrich


“What does security mean to you?” “What is the most terrifying scenario that you can imagine?” These questions have been answered by various people between the ages of 20-25 and their statements form the core of the audio collage. A female and a male voice prevent the recipients from identifying or categorizing the interviewees. The act of listening is a moment when two people come into contact. The main idea of ​​the project is to examine the phenomenon of "security" as a feeling, as something that comes from within. Listeners experience that the phenomenon of security is a strong human need that is individually defined, enriched and determined by personal experience. The aim was to examine some facets of this feeling and to find out how different people deal with the dangers and fears of our time.

Valentina Lachetta, Erika Branka, Piera Raineri, Gloria Scalco, Massimiliano Arosio & Eugenia Tsori

"Error 404: EU Not Found", Digital Media & Games Laboratory

Imagine a day when you get up and are no longer part of the European Union. What would you be missing and what experiences and feelings would that lead to? Even if we sometimes fail to see the value of the European Union and take it for granted, it is the result of considerable efforts made over the last century. We wanted to take up this topic in the context of a short film that tells of a dystopian world that is shaped by years of propaganda against foreigners, the euro zone and European ideals. As young people, we have chosen to describe this reality from the perspective of a young man facing the challenges of his daily life. Writing paper.

Piera Raineri, Erika Branca and Eugenia Tsori

"How much do you know about Europe?", Digital Media & Games Laboratory

Are you brave enough to test your knowledge of Europe? Sure, of course! Our project is a quiz game based on Twine, which combines knowledge questions about Europe with some questions about the film "Error 404: EU Not Found".
»Eurovatar« A project by Massimiliano Arosio, Valentina Lachetta & Gloria Scalco I Laboratory for Digital Media & Games
One of the main goals of the European Union was to achieve a real alliance that not only pursues economic goals but also extends to ideas and convictions - with the goal of a supranational state. In spite of all of this, cultural differences should be preserved, because Europe has numerous cultures
We wanted to create a “flip book”, so to speak, with the help of which one can mix cultures, gender identities and looks with one's own creativity.

Massimiliano Arosio

“Fading Message”, Digital Media & Games Laboratory

The aim of the installation is to show how the idea of ​​the European Union has changed in recent years. Many aspects have changed and the vision of Europe's founders has become a distant memory. A Europe closed to immigration, economic crises and nationalist politics are just a few examples of these changes. The installation consists of several CRT screens showing the signing of the Maastricht Treaty (1992), one of the two treaties that form the constitutional basis of the EU.