EMAF Campus - exhibition in the shop window and showcase

As part of this year's European Media Art Festival No. 34 students from Bremen and Braunschweig are exhibiting “Possessed” in the hase29 premises.

The EMAF Campus festival section is again offering classes and subject groups at European academies and universities a platform this year. Due to the corona, these can be found predominantly on the streaming platform emaf.cinemalovers.de, but also 24/7 on site in Osnabrück in the windows of some art spaces. The classes of Julika Rudelius of the University of Art Bremen (Kunstraum Hasestr. 29, until April 28) and of Candice Breitz & Eli Cortiñas of the University of Fine Arts Braunschweig (Kunstraum Hasestr. 29, May 1-9) show installations and Videos. (Text: EMAF)

HBK University of Fine Arts Braunschweig / Academy of Fine Arts Braunschweig
Class Breitz-Cortiñas - KBC, no corporate identity

“We are one class, but come together with different backgrounds and realities of life.
We deal with visibility, body politics, colonial history and the neo-colonial present and think about what needs to be changed.
We ask about connections between the micro- and macrocosm, between the political and the private, between one's own privileges and discrimination. We work with subjective, changing approaches and media. We look for our own languages ​​and sometimes doubt whether we have anything to say at all.
We are excited and uncomfortable, sensitive and loud, undecided and calm, different and critical, thinking and feeling, disagreed and misunderstood.
Most of all, we are never the same. We grow together and sometimes we have to say goodbye to our fellow students in a new phase of life.
Everyone leaves their mark in our community. Therefore we could never even be a verb, adjective or (pro) noun. "

Written by hitus: thurid and İlayda Çakır
Translated by Sarai Meyron

University of Art Bremen - class Julika Rudelius

Long picture banners interrupted by video presentations, objects and installation works showed the students from Bremen in the hase28 until April 29th. To explore the “outside” and at the same time to think about the physical and the profane, but also the absurdities of everyday life, is the claim that they place on their artistic works. (Text: EMAF Campus)


“We are used to going 'outside' and using the equipment to take artefacts into the studio and process them. With the 'outside', our access to it has changed. Things that we took for granted have become dangerous, hostile. The physical and the profane, we have been thrown back with full force on the absurdities, new compulsions and urgencies that suddenly determine our lives. The search for expression is a search for a place in the world. How can this work in a world of no experience? As a young artist, how can you: think with yourself that it may never be the same as it has never been for us? Although life has slowed down, we have to think faster and faster if we want to make our artistic practice visible: Forced acceleration of ideas and sketches, because we are shooting on a moving target, the numbers, the entrances and the audience change every day. The art rooms are locked, the public has been suspended. What remains is the digital or temporary use of the deceased places of consumption permitted by the investor. This permission is to be used subversively. A drawing of what could be when it turns out to be what it has not been before. "(Text: Class Julika Rudelius)


Participating artists:

Josephin Ackermann, Delia Samila Naghavi Alhosini, Tom Joris Baumann, Rita Guimarães, İlayda Çakır, Rita Guimarães, hitus: thurid, kipo & svenna, Takashi Kunimoto, Luis Kürschner, Clara Mannott, Patricia Martsch Sarai Meyron, Lexi Raatz, Nick Schamborskie, Nick Schamborskie Alissa Mirea Weidenfeld

Participating artists:

Eva Bruno, Mona Charaf Eddine, Dóra Eszter Forgács, Matilda Glass, Chen Guo, Linda Hoppe, Veranika Khatskevich, Miki Nigo, Leon Sahiti, Caroline Antonia Schlingemann, Konstanze Spät, Chieh, Tsai, Hannah Wolf, Mengzhu Xue, Huang YuXiao