hase29 in the hall

Eva Lause "Traumabyss"

Duration of the exhibition: 23.03. – 26.06.2023

Vernissage on Wednesday, March 22.03.2023, 19 at XNUMX p.m

Eva Lause (*1991) works in the field of autonomous drawing and explores the tension between opulence and scarcity. With the elementary components of the drawing, the dot and the line, a scientific-methodical approach and rules she has created herself, the artist creates dynamic works that leave the viewer room for their own interpretations and aesthetic experiences.

The works in the exhibition "Traumabyss" are based on a recurring dream, in which emptiness reigns at first, which then becomes more and more dense with deep black, pointed shapes until finally there is hardly any space left. Eva Lause processes this experience and the experiences associated with it in the autonomous drawing series "Verdichtung". This leads to increasing superimpositions, an ever more intense concentration and the question: What do emptiness and fullness mean and how do they affect the viewer?

Curated by Azim F. Becker

The project "Hase29 in the hall", which is taking place for the fourth time with this exhibition, is a cooperation between the art space hase29, the OsnabrückHalle and Marketing Osnabrück and regularly presents works by Osnabrück artists in the foyer of the OsnabrückHalle.

Image: Eva Lause: 1 E, 2022, ink on paper

Those interested in buying can contact the artist directly: www.evalause.de / evalause.art@gmx.de