< Program OverviewGlitch in the Matrix – Beate Gütschow and Charlotte Triebus curated by...
sound window
The “Klangfenster in der hase29” concert series continues – with established jazz greats and exciting newcomers
Cloud Catchers – Ingrid Hora
Opening on Friday, September 27.09.2024th, 19, XNUMX p.m. // Free admission!
hase29 in the hall – Jasper Tiemeyer
Exhibition opening on Wednesday, December 13.12.2023th, 19, at XNUMX p.m. // in the foyer of the OsnabrückHalle // Free entry!
hase29 in the hall – Beate Freier-Bongaertz and Marvin Knopf
Exhibition opening on Wed, September 25.09.2024th, 19, XNUMX p.m. in the OsnabrückHalle // Admission free!
Guest at the art space hase29
From September to November 2024, Tunisian artist Lotfi Ghaniani was a guest artist at the hase29 art space, where he researched the topic 'Being Black in Germany'. We are excited to see his results, stay tuned!
The mobility project was funded by the European Union and implemented by the Goethe-Institut.
know her name – artists in the Katharinenviertel
In summer 2024, the lost place in the Katharinenviertel will be transformed into a temporary art space. // Exhibition opening on Thursday, September 19.09th, 19 p.m. // Free admission!
Autumn holidays with art, books and performance
Our workshops for children and young people during the autumn holidays
for children between 8 and 12
Participation is free!
with Emily Witte and Joost Henrik Becker
Duration of the exhibition: 6.9. – 8.9.2024
Opening: 6.8.2024 at 19 p.m. with
Music by DJ maddog and DJ Zumo!
Summer party at hase29
Saturday, September 07.09.2024th, 12, 18 a.m. - XNUMX p.m.
15 p.m. Auction of works by Osnabrück and international artists.
The proceeds go in equal parts to the artists and the art space hase29.
Marathon of Drawing VII
Open studio: 18.08.–25.08.2024 // Exhibition: 27.08.-31.08.2024 // Finissage as part of the Osnabrück Culture Night on Saturday, 31.08.2024, 18 p.m. to midnight
with music by DJ Anja – free entry!
Eyedentity – Queer perspectives in art
The exhibition “Eyedentity” traces the looks and stories that shape us as people.
Our summer studio for holiday children 2024
Our workshops during the summer holidays can be booked with the Osnabrück holiday pass
Make my Future – shaping the future
Theater art project with Johanna Bethge and Azim F. Becker
sponsored by the Felicitas and Werner Egerland Foundation
hase29 in the hall – Sarah Marie Caroline Dahm
The exhibition series regularly presents works by Osnabrück artists in the foyer of the OsnabrückHalle.
with Kira Feiland and Alexej Eisner // Exhibition opening on Friday, May 17.05.2024th, 19, at XNUMX p.m. with music by CaliCaracho // Free entry!
EMAF 2024: Festival Section Campus
The EMAF Campus festival section offers a platform to classes and subject groups from European academies and universities.
Double Take / Der zweite Blick
“Rehearsing the Spectacle of Specters” (2014) by Nir Evron and Omer Krieger
Israeli-Palestinian Perspectives
Event program with lectures, discussions, film program and citizens' reading
Home(office)less – insights through disposable cameras
Exhibition by Stigma eV // Exhibition duration: 13.01.-10.02. // Exhibition opening on January 12.01th at 19 p.m
Marathon of Drawing VI
Open studio December 09.12th - December 18.12.2023th, 18.12.2023 // Exhibition opening on Monday, December 19th, 19.12, at 23.12.2023 p.m. // Exhibition December XNUMXth - December XNUMXrd, XNUMX
Grounded – Exploring an Artistic Material
This group exhibition with six international artists shows traditional and new, partly speculative ways of dealing with the earth.
Space for cooperation – Frisqo
In dialogue with the exhibition “Geerdet” Frisqo presents the interactive sound installation “Touch” (2022) in the “Room for Cooperations”.
Lab Europe 2023
International artists between the ages of 18 and 25 work on the subject of “Rethinking Dialogues” in the Art and Media Laboratory / Duration of the exhibition: August 26.08th – September 02.09.2023nd, XNUMX
A teahouse for Osnabrück - Studio Quack
Inspired by the annual theme "Togetherness - The Dream of a New Community", the exhibition project "A Teahouse for Osnabrück" creates a lively place for community gatherings and intercultural exchange.
Space for collaborations - Nike Finger-Hamborg
In dialogue with the exhibition "A Teahouse for Osnabrück", the Osnabrück artist Nike Finger-Hamborg presents her works in the "Space for Cooperations".
EMAF – Campus 2023
The EMAF Campus festival section offers classes and subject groups from European academies and universities a platform. The students present their work with exciting film programs and diverse exhibitions. The students' contributions can be discovered not only in the festival cinemas, but also at various locations in downtown Osnabrück.
Nobody is nobody
Nobody is nobody – Stefanie Trojan and Markus Vater / Duration of the exhibition: 13.02. – 08.04.2023 / curated by Friederike Fast and Jasmina Janoschka
Hideaway Rave
09.07. from 14pm to 19pm / in the Kunsthalle Osnabrück / with DJ sets by Frisqo, Cali Caracho and the Serum collective + exhibition with works by Azim F. Becker
Polychrome – Jazz goes Art
Art action with artists Joost Becker, Mike Beermann, Joscha Heinrich, Elena Kok, Kathrin Lazaruk, Jakob Schöning and Jasper Tiemeyer at the Polychrom Jazz Open Air / Saturday, June 10.06.2023th, 15, 23pm-XNUMXpm / Katharinenkirche + Ledenhof / free admission!
hase29 in the hall – Eva Lause
Duration of the exhibition: 23.03. – 26.06.2023/XNUMX/XNUMX / in the foyer of the OsnabrückHalle
hase29 in the hall – Svenja Niepel + Lothar Rahenkamp
Exhibition duration: September 21.09st – November 19.11.2023th, XNUMX // in the foyer of the OsnabrückHalle
Our summer studio for holiday children 2023
Our workshops during the summer holidays can be booked with the Osnabrück holiday pass
Fake'n Fiction
Create your reality! Augmented Reality | 360° | 3D | Videos | Games | design
Funded by the Fonds Soziokultur eV
Sow peace - reap peace
Kindergarten and crèche children discover the unknown in art
Funded by the State Association for Cultural Youth Education in Lower Saxony
Annual program 2023
Our annual program in brief
ALMOST NOTHING – dimensions of absence
02.12.2022 - 28.01.2023,
With works by Kati Gausmann, Lena von Goedeke, Alicja Kwade, Bjørn Melhus, Matthias Stuchtey, Shigeru Takato, Christine Wamhoff/Tim Roßberg, Jürgen Stollhans
Sunday, January 15.1.2023, 11.30 at XNUMX:XNUMX a.m. Lecture by Harald Kerber/Moderation by Michael Kröger
The work of art and its reception as well as some reflections on the subject of nothing, almost nothing, emptiness and absence
ALMOST NOTHING photography course with Angela von Brill
Photography course with Angla by Brill
Saturday 10.12.2022 from 10 a.m. to 17 p.m
one day one night
Friday, January 27.01.2023, 19 at XNUMX p.m
"One Day One Night"
Picture lecture by the artist
Lena von Goedeke on her Arctic journey
Exhibition and dance performance
with works by Daniela Georgieva, Anett Frontzek and Kati Gausmann
Friday 11.11.2022 19.00 p.m. – HaseTalk with the artist Kati Gausmann*
Saturday 12.11.2022, 14.00 p.m. – HaseWalk with the artist Kati Gausmann*
Now exhibition video online
The exhibition ends on November 19, 2022
Eintritt frei
DON'T GET art duo bankrupt
Exhibition and sculptural performance by the art duo bankleer in the art space hase29
26.8. – 8.10.2022
Summer studio 2022
Crazy creatures in the jungle
Summer studio, funded by the LKJ Lower Saxony
10 a.m. to 16 p.m. for children between the ages of 6 and 10
Number of participants 10
with meals, free of charge!
Super Hero Me
Summer studio, funded by the LKJ Lower Saxony
05.08.22/12.08.22/10 – 00/16/00, XNUMX:XNUMX a.m. – XNUMX:XNUMX p.m
for children between 6 and 10 years
with meals, free of charge!
Number of participants 10
real fiction
Summer studio, funded by the LKJ Lower Saxony
10: 00-16: 00 pm
for children and young people aged 10 and over
with meals, free of charge!
Number of participants 10
hase29 in the hall – art in the foyer
Exhibition with works by Elena Kok and Jakob Schöning in the OsnabrückHalle
In cooperation with the art space hase29
Best time-out - courses for adults
Saturday, November 26.11.2022, 10, 17 a.m. to XNUMX p.m. with the artist Karin Mennen
Reading "Amina's smile" with Björn Bicker + panel discussion with Markus Vater, Björn Bicker and Karen Vanesa De La Torre Sanchez
Thursday, March 16.03.2023, 19 at XNUMX p.m. / Admission is free!
Lecture by Harald Kerber
Sunday, January 15.1.2023, 11.30 at XNUMX:XNUMX a.m
Lecture by Harald Kerber/Moderation Michael Kröger
The work of art and its reception as well as some reflections on the subject of nothing, almost nothing, emptiness and absence
OPEN CALL "Solar...watt?"
Design competition on the subject of renewable energies
An initiative of the Solar Energy Association Osnabrück in cooperation with the art space hase29
Deadline: 15.4. 2022
EMAF 2022: Festival Section Campus
Works of the specialist class room concepts of the HBK Braunschweig
Friday, April 22.4.2022, 20, XNUMX p.m. "Trans Femme Force", performance Lexi Schnäbele, Daphne Schüttkemper
The slightly different city tour - young people show their personal city views in a virtual, interactive city tour. (autumn break 2021)
Supported by funds from the KulturThriathlon of the city of Osnabrück
call for artists
"Space for Cooperation"
Open call to Osnabrück artists!
Application deadline: February 12, 2023
Stefanie Trojan – CONTACT
Saturday, March 25.03.2023, 19 at XNUMX p.m. / Admission is free!
Opening of the exhibition "Nobody is nobody"
Sunday, January 12.02.2023, 11 at XNUMX:XNUMX a.m
Opening of the exhibition "Nobody is nobody"
with performances by the artists
Stefanie Trojan and Markus father
Favorite heroes in action
AUTUMN HOLIDAY! 18.10.2021 - daily 10 a.m. - 16 p.m.
Age: 6 - 10 years max. 10 participants
Catering is provided. The offer is free!
Group show curated by Natasha A. Kelly featuring works by Sonia E. Barrett, Nathalie Anguezomo Mba Bikoro, Zari Harat, Nadu Hormann, Mwangi Hutter, Monilola Olayemi Ilupeju, Belinda Kazeem-Kaminski, Natasha A. Kelly, Magda Korsinsky and Patricia Vester
May 6 to July 16, 2022
See Me - Touch me
Peter Bogers (NL), Guillaume Bruère (F), Josephine Garbe (D), Benedikt Hipp (D)
26.2. – 8.4.2022
hold on tight until the end of the ride
Exhibition of the NARTUR KUNSTGRUPPE
21.1. – 12.2.2022
End of the exhibition Sat., 12.2.2021 Finissage from 18 p.m.!
Exhibition competition entries "Solar....watt?"
Exhibition opening "Solar...watt?" Museum am Schölerberg - Nature and Environment / Planetarium, May 27.05.2022th, 2022 - end of July XNUMX
Gender piracy
Exhibition with works by Cassils, Mary Maggic, Luki von der Gracht, thunder.khat, Anna Olkina, Joran Yonis
curated by Joran Yonis, November 13, 2021 to January 15, 2022
November 13, 2021 to January 15, 2022
asap - we must hurry to slow down
<Program overview asap. we must hurry to slow down 28.8. - 31.10.2021 curated by ...
Eh, what's up doc? Exhibition by Daniel Hopp
28.5. - 9.8.2021. The artist's current film production from this project can still be seen in the live stream on Twitch.tv
10 m³ art dialogues
In the period from 12.7. until 25.7. the artist Joscha Heinrichs works in the showcase of the art space hase29.
artists @ homeoffice - scenes from art studios in the shop window
Video scenes from Osnabrück and Greifswald art studios
With Ted Behrens, Wilfried Bohne, Astrid Brünner, Christine Hoffmann, Birgit Kannengießer, Werner Kavermann, Karen Kunkel, Maria Müller, Eva Preckwinkel, Maria Quinius, Marcus Schramm, Pauline Stopp, Marion Tischler and Iris Vitzthum
BOT_LAB hase29 on the road in autumn - artistic-botanical research camp
hase29 on tour in October: Experimenting with natural colors, tone fire and color for children and young people
funded as part of the “KulturTriathlon” project of the city of Osnabrück with funds from the federal program Neustart Kultur
INIT - EMAF Media Campus
Exhibition in the window April 21 - May 9, 2021
Shabnam Parvaresch and Felix Wirsing
Saturday, Oct. 9, 2021 20pm - 21.30pm, musical improvisations for the exhibition
Free entry!
hase29 in the hall – Karin Mennen
Duration of the exhibition: 20.01. – 13.03.2023/XNUMX/XNUMX / in the foyer of the OsnabrückHalle
Summer holiday program - Krach Bumm Bäng Zack - drawing, text, film, sound
With comic artist Oliver Grajewksi from comics to animated films. Big cinema with cut-up texts
26.7. - 30.7.2021 daily 11 a.m. - 17 p.m. in the atelier Kunstraum hase29
CURRENTLY VIRTUAL ONLY | From happiness in unhappiness - working in and out of isolation
December 10.12.2020, 28.2.2021 to February XNUMX, XNUMX The exhibition is still accessible as an interactive virtual exhibition tour
Still have questions?
Look at art – understand art? Our mediation team consists of freelance artists who can suggest the right offer for every age group.
Foam rubber print by Christina Kramer
Impulses for the classroom
Irma and Yasmin explore the exhibition "From happiness to misery"
Draw on your smartphone? Paint over photos? Irma and Yasmin explore the exhibition “From happiness in misery - working in and out of isolation” and experiment with digital techniques.
Johanna and Junis in the exhibition REIFEZEIT
<Mediation Overview Junis and Johanna Explore the exhibition "REIFEZEIT" 25.6. -...
Irma and Yasmin explore the exhibition "Maturity - between departure and nightmare"
Child-friendly exploration of the exhibition, creative instructions for lessons and questions for the artists
Art workshop on tour
For children from 5 to 12 years.
"Searching for identity in the Anthropocene - post-futuristic areas of tension in contemporary art"
<Program overview "Identity search in the Anthropocene - post-futuristic areas of tension in ...
Sounds of the city
<Education program: overview sounds of the city - 360 ° art sounds of the city - a sound diary as ...
Escaping "so urban" (online tour with game elements)
<Mediation overview escaping hase29 - 360 ° Art -This 360 ° tour through a ...
Street Stories - a city for electricity and scribbling July 2019
<Mediation Overview Street Stories - City Explorers Anabel, Greta, Lasse, Leander and Tom ...
Street Stories - a city for electricity and scribbling July 2019
<Education overview Street Stories - City to power and scribble July 2019 - 360 ° Art ...
haseBAU - From labyrinth to one-way streets
<Mediation overview haseBAU - from labyrinth to one-way street - 360 ° Art - Over 200 children ...
Concert - "Treats for Banksy" with the group "pitching hole"
Saturday, November 6.11.2021th, 20, XNUMX p.m.
Sound art in hase29
Pitching hole. Treats for Banksy with Michael Kolberg, Natalie Reineke, and Joachim Zoepf
Christina Kramer - What Difference Do You Make?
September 25 - November 6, 2020
Friday, 2th October 2020
Ripe time - between departure and nightmare
June 28 - September 12, 2020
Nevin Aladag, Marco Castillo, Monika Czosnowska, Clemens Krauss, Simone Lucas, Carlos Martiel, Britta Thie, Tobias Zielony
PAO collective Osnabrück
July 18th, 2020 A musical-literary performance by the young jazz musicians of the PAO collective Osnabrück.
"Youth in Germany - what difference makes the difference?"
Everything easy - Road Trip I Factory I Exhibition
March 13 - June 6, 2020
Drawing V marathon
From February 24th to March 1st, 2020, the audience was able to look over the shoulder of the artists at the fifth marathon of drawing.
Jan Neukirchen. You talkin 'to me?
January 31 - February 22, 2020. Jan Neukirchen's exhibition focuses on the forms and effects of spoken language in digital space.
Martin Hesselmeier. Poetry of matter
From December 29, 6, in the art space hase2019, light particles will roll up and down along wave-shaped LED strips, accelerate and slow down, and shuttle back and forth. The Cologne artist Martin Hesselmeier makes light tangible in his expansive installation in an unusual way.
In Between: Video Screening
October 18-20, 2019. During the renovation phase, a spontaneous three-day exhibition "Video Screening 1" took place.
"A picture is built like a house"
The artist Tim Cierpiszewski shows his work "LIKE A HOUSE" in the Society for Contemporary Art Osnabrück eV, hase 29.
moving but minimal music and dance performance of a special kind
October 26th, 2019. Music and dance performance of a special kind
Be Absolutely Concrete - Drawing Worlds
The exhibition “Be Absolutely Concrete” presents works by the international artist collective The Drawing Collective, supplemented by selected works from the hase29 open call.
The video SHEHERAZADE by Sophia Pompéry and Sebastian Riemer focuses on a moving surface of water
reprint. Change through reproduction
From December 29, 6, in the art space hase2019, light particles will roll up and down along wave-shaped LED strips, accelerate and slow down, and shuttle back and forth. The Cologne artist Martin Hesselmeier makes light tangible in his expansive installation in an unusual way.
Drawing IV marathon