Can't find my way home
November 11, 2016 - January 21, 2017
The American artist succeeds in her elaborately shot video Janet Biggs an impressive connection between her grandfather's Alzheimer's disease and the crystalline formations of the Merkers Höhlen, a salt mine in Thuringia. The juxtaposition of the exploration of the cave landscape and the tense laboratory situation creates a unique tension between perception and loss of identity. The visual contrast of the structures of the crystals with the proteins of biochemical compounds of an overused brain suffering from Alzheimer's creates a hauntingly captivating sensuality.

Participating artist
Janet Biggs
Bertha Sichel
Sparkasse Osnabrück Foundation | the Landschaftsverband Osnabrücker Land e. V. | City of Osnabrück | Herrenteichslaischaft